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"Pick a lane, Michelle. Mom or mayor. Because I'm not so sure you can do both anymore. Lexy didn't sign up for this, and neither did I."
―Nathan to Michelle.

Nathan Cross is the stay-at-home father of Lexy and Caroline, and the husband of Michelle.

Chucky: Season 1 (2021)[]

He attends the middle school talent show with his family as his daughter Lexy is hosting, and sees Jake Wheeler perform with Chucky. His daughter Caroline becomes obsessed with the doll. A week later, he and Michelle are getting ready for the "Hacky Halloween Ball", but stop to see Caroline drawing Chucky from memory. Michelle forces Lexy to take Caroline trick-or-treating, as she and Nathan have to go to their Halloween party as the newspapers are writing a story about Nathan being Hackensack's first "first husband".

A few days later, Nathan and Michelle attend a meeting at school about Lexy bullying Jake, with the principal and Jake's aunt Bree and uncle Logan. Nathan and Michelle are insistent that their daughter is not the bully, but are shocked when they watch a video of the Halloween party where Lexy dressed as Lucas and acted out his death. After the meeting, they are called to a fire in the Cross' house, where Lexy was hosting a party and Caroline was injured. They stay by Caroline's bedside in the ICU, only leaving when the nurses ask for space to check her oxygen saturation. While walking through the hallway, Michelle scolds Lexy as they believe she was responsible for causing Caroline's injuries, their historical house to be partially destroyed, and Oliver's death.

Walking through the hospital, Nathan and Michelle run into Bree and Logan, where the four of them break out into an argument. Logan accuses the Crosses of parenting Lexy poorly, and they accuse Logan of putting too much pressure on Junior. Logan punches Nathan in the face before the fight is split up by Detective Evans, who reveals that Oliver was murdered, and asks them to all be available for questioning.

The next day, Caroline finally wakes up and tells Nathan she wants Chucky. After he shows her the disfigured doll, she screams in fear so much that Nathan gets rid of Chucky by throwing him down the needle disposal chute. When Caroline is finally discharged from the hospital, the family returns to their partially burned home. Caroline is upset that she has to sleep in her mother's office and demands her old bed. In order to distract her, Nathan surprises her with a new Good Guy doll named Tommy. Later in the night, Nathan checks in on Caroline sleeping, and spots the disfigured Chucky doll on the floor. Confused, he puts the doll in the garbage can outside before heading back in to Michelle and Lexy arguing. After Lexy leaves the room, Nathan fights with Michelle about her focus on being Mayor instead of a mother.

The following morning at the town meeting, Nathan and Caroline attend the town hall meeting in support of Michelle. While waiting for the meeting to start, Caroline tells him that Tommy ran away. Suddenly during the meeting, Principal McVey's head rolls onto the stage and the curtains draw back to reveal her decapitated corpse. Acting fast, Nathan stands in front of Caroline to block her view of the body and carries her out.

After Bree's supposed suicide, Michelle and Nathan attend her wake and offer their condolences to Logan. He is disappointed when Michelle leaves early to attend a meeting.



Nathan's death.

Despite not initially appearing at the screening of Frankenstein he arrives partway through the movie to support his wife. When she goes to get popcorn, he takes her seat. Before Michelle returns, he is stabbed through the bottom of the chair by Chucky and is killed. She offers him popcorn, but he simply bleeds from his mouth into the popcorn which she unknowingly eats. When she realizes he is dead, she screams and everyone in the theatre runs out.


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